jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

lternative medecine is better for the drepression ?

Is the alternative medicine is better for the depression?

Most of the people think that the traditional medicine is the best but is the alternative medicene. because the best medicine that existed to cure the depression.
The alternative medicine for cure the depression, is the best because you do your own treatment, for example one of the causes of depression is the stress and to cure that you only have to relax and takes a time to be calm and away of the normal life that produces stress, like the work in a office. Other common causes to be depressed is that you have a problem in your relation love.
One advantage of this threatmen is that you alone do and it don't have cost, also it is easy to cure but it takes a lot of time to have a complete cure an you can't stop only when you finish because if you are not complely cure, you can have a relapse and you are going to have, this treatment hase one disantage that is it take a lot of time to cure completely.

To conclude the alternative medicine to cure the depression is the best way to cure it at all because of all the benefits that it brings. On the other hand the traditional medicine is good because to cures completely fast, but they give you medicaments and you can have side effects that can produce you more problems.

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